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  • ASL signing, reading and writing ASL gloss (the writing of ASL signs)
  • Weekly online live 90-minute classes: students can see and interact with the teacher and with other students
  • Syllabus and weekly instructional plan
  • Graded interactive assignments and assessments
  • At-home learning convenience with accountability and rigorous schedule
  • Student and parent access to grade book: grade recommendation provided at end of course
  • Lessons that connect the study of ASL with the greater Deaf community
  • Breakout Room sessions with ASL dialogue practice using common terminology and correct grammar
  • Access to shared student collaboration page
  • Academic structure and accountability
  • Access to PowerSchool LMS and Zoom live class platform
  • Solid foundation of language learning and Deaf culture understanding

Full Year Course Features

learn American Sign Language online

American Sign Language I

Full Year: 8/23/17 - 5/2/18
 Session I   Wednesdays, 7am (Pacific Time)
 Session 2  Wednesdays, 9am (Pacific Time)

This class offered twice (same class, same content, different times).

learn American Sign Language online
learn American Sign Language online

register below

Instructor: Ralph Dally

Prerequisites: none

Target Grades: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Duration: 90 minutes weekly
Textbook: American Sign Language: The Easy Way (Barron’s, Second Edition) ISBN: 978-0764134289

Class Description: Students taking the ASL I class will attain basic-intermediate ASL proficiency. Areas covered will be the alphabet, numbers, finger spelling, personal pronouns, introductions, use of space, ASL sentence types, non-manuals, classifiers, directional verbs, adjectives, 2-person dialogues, technology, and ASL culture. Students will get individualized attention during class for sign production and receptive skills (reading the instructor's signs). This is a rigorous, but fun course. Each student must have
a fairly new, functioning microphone headset and a webcam.
Webcam presence is required!

Hurry! registration closes Aug 18

Former Landry families: contact Mr. Dally prior to registering for special discount code.

Code limited to 2017/18 year school year tuition if paid in full by 8/26/17.

American Sign Language II

Instructor: Ralph Dally

Prerequisites: this course is designed for the student who already has a minimum of one year instruction in American Sign Language with a "B" or better (if you have a placement question, contact Mr. Dally prior to registering)

Target Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Duration: 90 minutes weekly
Textbook: American Sign Language: The Easy Way (Barron’s, Second Edition) ISBN: 978-0764134289

Class Description: Students taking the ASL 2 class will continue to build intermediate signing fluency. Focus areas include more ASL numbers, finger spelling accuracy, personal pronouns, use of signing space, applying sentence types, non-manuals, classifiers, directional verbs, adjectives, 2-person dialogues, technology, and Deaf culture. Students will get individualized attention during class for sign production and receptive skills (reading the instructor's signs). Students will be assessed and graded on all these elements. This is a rigorous, but fun course. Each student must have a fairly new, functioning microphone headset and a webcam. Webcam presence is required!

Full Year: 8/23/17 - 5/2/18
Wednesdays, 11am (Pacific Time)
learn American Sign Language online
learn American Sign Language online
returning  Landry students: sign up for ASL 2 below

register below

Hurry! registration closes Aug 18

Former Landry families: contact Mr. Dally prior to registering for special discount code.
Code limited to 2017/18 year school year tuition if paid in full by 8/26/17.

Choose Your Participation Level

COMPLETE     $525


- live weekly classes
(if absent, can access recordings)

- teacher and student interaction

- access to review weekly

PowerPoint slides

- graded assessments with
weekly due dates

- class fulfills one year foreign language credit for many colleges and universities

minimum twelve students needed for class to run

7am: ASL1 seats remaining 19/25
9am: ASL1 seats remaining 23/25
ASL2 seats remaining 15/25

MODERATE     $445


- access to review weekly
PowerPoint slides

- graded assessments with
weekly due dates

- class fulfills one year foreign language credit for many

colleges and universities

at home study partner

recommended  for signing practice

ASL1 - seats available
ASL2 - seats available

BASIC     $365


- good for enrichment purposes

- access to short class recordings, teaching or practicing weekly signs

- low key, no weekly assignments

- six graded assessments to

evaluate progress

- does not fulfill foreign

language credit

at home study partner
recommended  for signing practice

ASL1 - seats available
ASL2 - seats available
second student discount available for member of same family, look for it on the registration form
Anchor 1

© Copyright 2021-2025 ASLYOUCANDO.COM and dallyhandsinc . All rights Reserved .
Scripture taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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