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Conversational ASL

Want to maintain your signing skills during summer break? Do you enjoy signing on webcam in Breakout Rooms with your peers? Desire to learn and practice more ASL? Join the Conversation! $299 price drop! now $249

This class offered twice (same class, different dates).
Anchor 1
 Summer Session I    May 15 - June 2 @ 9am EST

This class popular with continuing ASL students!

registration deadline is May 8
 Summer Session 2   June 12 - June 30 @ 9am EST
registration deadline is June 5
learn American Sign Language online
S1 - seats remaining 8/12

Instructor: Ralph Dally

Prerequisites: this course is designed for the student who has successfully completed a minimum of one year studying American Sign Language

Target Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Duration: 90 minutes daily M-F for three weeks
no textbook required, materials provided

Class Description: This course is for the student who aspires to develop proficiency in their ASL conversational skills by dialoguing in ASL during live-class. Students will actively practice receptive and expressive forms of communication, finger spelling, numbers and conversational skills while conversing in ASL with their instructor and class peers. Each student must
have a fairly new, functioning microphone headset and a webcam. Webcam participation is required!

S2 - seats remaining 10/12

American Deaf Culture

Explore the grass roots and major events of DEAF CULTURE in American (pre-ASL & after). This is a great history class! $299 price drop! now $249

Instructor: Ralph Dally

Prerequisites: none

Target Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Duration: 90 minutes daily M-F for three weeks
Textbook: Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language, Hereditary Deafness on Martha's Vineyard by Nora Ellen Groce. ISBN: 067427041X

Class Description: This course is an introduction to various aspects of the American Deaf community, as a language and cultural minority group. It is designed for individuals who may or may not have had prior experience with Deaf people, or ASL. The course raises questions concerning the nature of sign language, education of Deaf people, and cultural issues important to the Deaf community. Students pursuing this course will read a required textbook, view videos that are Deaf-related, study the disability law and its impact, and have an opportunity to attend a Deaf community event in their area. Each student must have a fairly new microphone headset.

learn American Sign Language online
seats remaining 12/12
learn American Sign Language online
Anchor 2
 Summer Session I    May 15 - June 2 @ 11am EST
registration deadline is May 8

Beginner's Sign Language

Anchor 3
 Summer Session 2   June 12- June 30 @ 11am EST
This mini enrichment class is for the middle school student who is curious about sign language but have not taken ASL 1. $299 price drop! now $249
seats remaining 12/12
learn American Sign Language online

Instructor: Ralph Dally

Prerequisites: none

Target Grades: 6, 7, 8
Duration: 90 minutes daily M-F for three weeks
Textbook: no textbook required

Class Description: Students taking this foundational course will attain basic knowledge of sign language. This class is a great kick start for the student who is curious about sign language but unsure if they want to commit to a full year. Students will learn basic vocabulary, grammar structure, history, fingerspelling, numbers, terminology, and Deaf culture. Students will get feedback during class for sign production and receptive skills (reading the instructor's signs). This is a fun course with a weekly review quiz. Each student must have a fairly new, functioning microphone headset and a webcam. Webcam participation is required!

learn American Sign Language online
registration deadline is June 5

NOTE: Beginner's Sign Language is best taken with a sibling, friend or parent who can practice signing together outside of live-class. A two student discount is available for summer classes, look for information on the registration form.

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Scripture taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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