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Spring Semester Class

  • Weekly online live 90-minute classes: students can see and interact with the teacher and with other students
  • At-home convenience with live-class learning
  • Solid foundation of lessons that connect the study of ASL with the greater Deaf community
  • Access to Google Classroom and secure Zoom live-class platform
  • Breakout Room sessions with ASL dialogue practice using common terminology and proper ASL grammar. New vocabulary introduced.
  • Wanting to take a one-semester class without adding homework to your weekly schedule? NO WORRIES - - NO HOMEWORK REQUIRED! All learning and practice activities are completed during live-class sessions.

Conversational ASL Course features

Best Homeschooling Programs & Resources

Conversational ASL

Spring Semester: 1/19/2024 - 4/26/2024
Fridays @ 11am EST ($329)
payment plan available
0/8 seats available
Want to boost your comprehension and signing skills?  Increase your ASL vocabulary and grammar skills while focusing on facial expressions and fluency? Join the Conversation!

Conversational ASL classes are popular with students desiring to build vocabulary and increase fluency!

this class closed

Instructor: Ralph Dally, CTE

Prerequisites: this course is designed for the student who has successfully completed a minimum of one year studying American Sign Language

Target Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 + recent high school graduates

Duration: 90 minutes weekly for twelve weeks
no textbook required

Class Description: This course is for the student who aspires to develop proficiency in their ASL conversational skills by dialoguing in ASL during live-class. Students will actively practice receptive and expressive forms of communication, finger spelling, numbers and conversational skills while conversing in ASL with their instructor and class peers. Each student must
have a fairly new, functioning microphone headset and a webcam. Webcam participation is required!


© Copyright 2021-2025 ASLYOUCANDO.COM and dallyhandsinc . All rights Reserved .
Scripture taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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