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ASL Summer Review Intensives

  • Weekly online live 50-minute intensives: students see and interact with teacher and other students
  • At-home convenience with live-class memory learning and application
  • Solid foundation of weekly sessions building skill level and confidence
  • Access to Zoom live-class platform
  • No homework required for weekly sessions! All ASL learning, and practice activities are completed during live-class.
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Registration - Level 1

Summer Intensive - Level 1
Wednesdays @ 10am EST ($149)  5/18-6/15
class closed
5/5 seats available
This is a 5-week review intensive for ASL level one (this class designed for graduates of ASL 1 + above). Textbook required as intensive reviews and dialogue practices are generated from the first half of American Sign Language: The Easy Way (Barron's, Second Edition).
learn American Sign Language online

Instructor: Ralph Dally, CTE

Prerequisites: this course is specifically designed for the student who has successfully completed a minimum of one year studying American Sign Language

Target Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 + recent high school graduates

Duration: 50 minutes weekly for five weeks (5/18/2022 - 6/15/2022)
American Sign Language: The Easy Way (Barron's, Second Edition)

Class Description: This course is designed for the student who aspires to develop proficiency and memory longevity with their ASL skills through intensive review during live-class. Students will actively practice receptive and expressive forms of communication with teacher and peer interaction.  Each student must have a fairly new, functioning microphone headset and a webcam. No homework. Webcam participation is required!

Registration - Level 2

Summer Intensive - Level 2
Wednesdays @ 11am EST ($149)  5/18-6/15
class closed
5/5 seats available
This is a 5-week review intensive for ASL level two (this class designed for graduates of ASL 2 + above). Textbook required as intensive reviews and dialogue practices are generated from American Sign Language: The Easy Way (Barron's, Second Edition).
learn American Sign Language online

Instructor: Ralph Dally, CTE

Prerequisites: this course is specifically designed for the student who has successfully completed a minimum of two years studying American Sign Language

Target Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 + recent high school graduates

Duration: 50 minutes weekly for five weeks (5/18/2022 - 6/15/2022)
American Sign Language: The Easy Way (Barron's, Second Edition)

Class Description: This course is designed for the student who aspires to develop proficiency and memory longevity with their ASL skills through intensive review during live-class. Students will actively practice receptive and expressive forms of communication with teacher and peer interaction.  Each student must have a fairly new, functioning microphone headset and a webcam. No homework. Webcam participation is required!

Registration - Level 3

Summer Intensive - Level 3
Wednesdays @ 12pm EST ($149)  5/18-6/15
class closed
5/5 seats available
This is a 5-week review intensive for ASL level three (this class designed for graduates of ASL Level 3 +). Intensive reviews are generated from American Sign Language: The Easy Way (Barron's, Second Edition) and Signs of the Times from ASL 3.

Instructor: Ralph Dally, CTE

Prerequisites: this course is specifically designed for the student who has successfully completed a minimum of three years studying American Sign Language

Target Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 + recent high school graduates

Duration: 50 minutes weekly for five weeks (5/18/2022 - 6/15/2022)

Class Description: This course is designed for the student who aspires to develop proficiency and memory longevity with their ASL skills through intensive review during live-class. Students will actively practice receptive and expressive forms of communication with teacher and peer interaction.  Each student must have a fairly new, functioning microphone headset and a webcam. No homework. Webcam participation is required!

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Scripture taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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